Monday, September 29, 2008

Exhibition Ready!

This being a blog, the posts show up in reverse order with the most recent first.  To make it a bit easier to navigate, here are links to all the topics covered in regards to my exhibition project, The Georgia Library Media Association Blog:

Interview (I interviewed Kris Woods who runs the blog under discussion.)



Kat said...

Jim, I really like the way you put the screenshots in your presentation. I'll admit that I don't know how to do that yet, but I'm now very motivated to figure it out. The screenshots made it much more comfortable for me to navigate the site when I went there on my own.

Thanks for all that you are doing to make things easier and less stressful for those of us that are not so techy smart yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,
I enjoyed your presentation and I feel it met all the standards set for the assignment. I'd like to know how you took a "screenshot." What tool did you use? I thought it was very informative because I could see the source you used and navigate the page with the text of your blog. That was the best exhibition I've seen and I've been to France! THis is Kyle by the way

Anonymous said...

one way to do screenshots is to hit the [printscreen] button. it's up on the top to the right of the F keys. then, you can open PAINT from the accessories under your START menu. hit paste and VOILA. you'll have to trim a bit to get just the website you're viewing, but that's one way to do it. are there others?

kyle - remind me to tell you the story about the time i was detained for a few hours in france.

finally, great exhibition. the interview was the icing on the cake.

Jennifer Gillespie said...

I thought the Interview was a great addition to the project. I'll admit, the screen shots were great! Wish I'd thought of it!

Jennifer G

teacherninja said...

Thanks guys! I used "kwout" for the screen shots. There's a link at the end of each post that uses a screen shot.

Thanks for the alternate way to do it, Shannon. I'll try that next time.

Tyree Blog said...

Thanks Jim and Shannon for information on screenshots. I really like the fact that you included an interview with the GLMA blog. My project was on GLMA in general, so I am familar with the blog. I actually wanted to conduct an interview with my SLM, but she isn't currently a member. Are you a member yet? I plan on doing it very soon! Good project; however, sometimes including more stuff on your blog/presentation can be overwhelming. It's not so bad being more simplistic sometimes.

Anne said...

Jim, I enjoyed reading your exhibition. I am glad you provided links on the side with several of the other topics from our exhibitions. I am going to keep this as a reference since there is a lot of great information on professional materials, blogs, etc. for our field.

Jennifer Lewis said...

Jim, I love your blog! All of your extras look so professional. The interview is awesome! I added the GLMA blog to my Pageflakes site as a result.

teacherninja said...

Molly and Anne,

Thanks for the differing perpectives. It was something I wondered about myself. I know it wasn't completely necessary Molly, but I was thinking of it as a reference for myself. Glad you liked it Anne...